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Bondholder Breakfast - Humber Business Week 2024

3rd June 2024
8:00am - 10:30am
MKM Stadium, Walton Street, Hull, HU3 6HU
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Revolutionary, Resourceful, Real and Remarkable.

On a momentous Monday, the sold-out MKM Stadium in Hull became a hub of excitement and inspiration as the ‘Unveiling of the Humber Place Brand’ event kicked off Humber Business Week 2024. 

The event was a powerful convergence of business leaders and local stakeholders, united by a shared goal: to shape a prosperous future for the Humber region.  

The event opened with an emotive video, capturing the hopes and aspirations of the Humber's residents. Voices of both adults and young people echoed through the hall, sharing dreams of a brighter future. The emotive responses from the audience were evident, with many capturing the moment on their phones.  


Following the video, Diana Taylor, Managing Director of Future Humber, delivered a passionate address to attendees. She said: “As Future Humber and Bondholders, we are united in building a positive profile for Humber and shaping a prosperous future.”  

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She then emphasised the importance of empowering the community, saying, “We must give people within the Humber wings to fly and deep, strong roots so they are proud of the the place they call home. I know for many of you here today, you share this passion for making our vision a reality.” 

Diana expressed gratitude to the supporting strong, pan-regional Place Steering Group for their dedication in developing and endorsing the brand values. She underscored the urgency of the launch, highlighting the need for the Humber to stay competitive in attracting talent, investment, visitors, and students. "We cannot stand still as cities and regions around the world are evolving at speed," she said. 

Following Diana’s speech, Wayne Hemingway, founder of Hemingway Design, took to the stage to delve into the significance of place branding. He said: “Place branding is not about a logo or a flash-in-the-pan marketing campaign. Towns, cities, and regions are known for something distinct—it’s what they do and what they are known for.” 

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Wayne then emphasised that place branding enhances perceptions and lived experiences, focusing decision-making to align with the unique attributes of the Humber. 

Wayne also acknowledged the contributions of 665 survey respondents, 300 participants in focus groups, and almost 50 individual interviews conducted over the past year, stressing the importance of this diverse and comprehensive feedback. "This is deep and thick data from across 13 different countries. It’s vital we understand how people perceive our place, even if not all feedback is positive," he noted. 

A second video reinforced the theme of collective action, showcasing a diverse range of speakers and vibrant images of the Humber. The message was clear: the Humber is a region of changemakers, shaping its future together. 

The event then highlighted the core brand values of the Humber, introduced by key members of the steering group: 

Andy Sykes, Plant Director at Siemens Gamesa, represented the value of Revolutionary: "Embracing the spirit of the estuary—bold, dynamic, and ever-evolving. Being revolutionary has defined our past, it continues in the present and will carry on through the future.”  


Deb Oxley OBE, Board Member for Future Humber, embodied the value of Resourceful: "When others see challenges, we see opportunities. The Humber has always had a ‘can do’ attitude—quietly confident and smartly resourceful in finding solutions to global problems." 

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Charlotte Bowen, Founder and Creative Director of The Culture House, showcased the value of Real: "We have integrity, and someone will soon tell you if you’ve crossed the line. We wear our hearts on our sleeves, but we have business acumen. This is all part of our identity.” 


Nina Stobart, Communications and Public Affairs Lead at Phillips66, highlighted the value of Remarkable: "If someone says that’s remarkable, you look. It’s not bragging, it’s fact. We see challenges to overcome and we go for it.” 


Wayne Hemingway then brought these values together, encouraging everyone to embody and promote them beyond the event. The session continued with an interactive segment led by Amy Lewis, Place Consultant at CTConsults, where the audience evaluated a local project—Projekt Renewable Grimsby— for impact and on-brand behaviour, based on these newly introduced brand values. 


Alex Wright, Co-Founder & MD of Knapton Wright, described the project’s mission to bridge industry and community, catalyse green economic regeneration, and inspire local youth about sustainable energy. The audience provided constructive feedback, suggesting enhancements to make the project even more remarkable. However overall the project scored well, suggested it is both on-brand and high impact in relation to the new place brand.  

As the event drew to a close, Diana Taylor returned to emphasise the vital role each individual plays in demonstrating these values across all aspects of life in the Humber. A final video, rich with imagery and voices celebrating the region’s healthcare, offshore wind opportunities, and more, concluded with the powerful message “One Humber.” The room resonated with a sense of unity and a shared journey ahead. 


It’s up to us all now to take collective action: