YTN - The Power of True Connection

Have your say and shape our YTN 2021 event programme
About the Event
The first Young Talent Network (YTN) event of 2021 took place on Tuesday 26th January, offering a fantastic online opportunity for personal development. To kick off the new year’s event programme, author, podcaster and coach, John Borland led an interactive webinar covering the theme of true connection and how it is possible to reconnect when we lose our way. Marketing Humber Chair, Bill Walker, opened the event, which was attended by a full house of almost 50 attendees, all in varying stages in their careers and from a wide and unique range of sectors. No matter the differences in the attendees’ backgrounds, John showed us that every one of us can work towards becoming truly connected.
John took attendees back to the very beginning (being a baby!) and encouraged us to consider that making the most of the simplest of things is the key to true connection, something we unlearn and become increasingly distanced from as we go through life. John highlighted that the things we should be connected to (ourselves, other humans, spirit and nature) are so easily accessible that sometimes we forget they are there and end up being unable to utilise them as best we can. Taking time to reconnect with some, if not all, of the four chords of connection will dramatically enhance our personal and professional lives. Using ideas based on his book, Connect Happy, alongside experiences from his life and a range of analogies, John explored how we simply need to rediscover who we really are (without the constraints of misconnection and an overactive ego!) and be prepared to challenge ourselves in order to make a change. Who’d have thought the Garden of Eden, the Christmas Truce and Toy Story would be relevant to a personal development webinar?
Attendees were able to discuss what the themes and concepts explored during the webinar meant to them in breakout rooms, offering the opportunity to share ideas and network with new faces. Paired with an active chat function and ability to ask questions, the session was highly interactive and was a truly valuable reminder of exactly why connection is so important.
About John Borland
John is an author, podcaster and coach who is on a mission to empower individuals, teams and whole organisations to develop themselves. One of John’s fundamental beliefs is that all of us have the solutions to our own problems already within us. We have the capacity to develop and grow ourselves from the inside out. Often it takes connection, relationship, and the right environment for us to find these answers, but they are there if only we are brave enough to go looking. John also believes that the key to our happiness is found within the quality of our connections in life.
About the Young Talent Network
The Humber needs fresh talent and new energy to secure the region’s legacy. To address this need, and the recruitment and retention challenges faced by Bondholder businesses, Marketing Humber created the Young Talent Network (YTN).
The YTN provides a platform for ambitious and passionate people early in their career the opportunity to build networks, make connections, enhance impact and demonstrate a collective voice.
The purpose of the events programme is to develop and strengthen the next generation of leaders, which is vital to securing our region’s future. The annual events focus around the following areas: personal & professional development, exclusive experiences, networking and social opportunities.
To get involved with the Young Talent Network or find out more contact
Keep connected with us on social media: @ytnhumber
Details of forthcoming events can be found on our website