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The Phillips 66 Waterline 2024 Sustainability Challenge - Awards

27th November 2024
9:00am - 4:00pm
Aura Innovation Centre, Hull
Student Sustainability Challenge 2024

Held at the Waterline Summit 2024 on 27th November 2024, finalists of the Phillips 66 Waterline 2024 Sustainability Challenge will present their ideas as a stand at the student expo for judging. The final 3 will be asked to present on the stage.

There are prizes at stake; £5,000, a trip to London to visit Parliament and Phillips 66 head office, as well as some great runners up prizes. 

The challenge is open to students in Year 9 /10 (KS 3 and 4) and 6th form/college (KS 5) working in teams of up to five. Students are tasked with developing an idea to help improve our communities, region, country and/or planet. How students develop their project is entirely up to them. They could build a model, design posters, make a video, short film, or advert to explain their idea. Conduct a survey to show why it is needed or research existing solutions.

Students need to keep a record of their drawings, ideas, and any other evidence they create to support their project presentation, if they are chosen as one of the finalists to present to their peers and the judges at the regional Waterline Summit.

Learn more by emailing