The Waterline Summit 2021
2021 saw the third Waterline Summit, the largest and most important decarbonisation event in the North of England. Hosted across five days from 18th to the 22nd October, the Summit attracted an audience of 2,500+ delegates and successfully united businesses, government and public sector organisations, academia, schools, colleges and communities in the drive to a net zero economy,

The Waterline Summit 2021 involved 100 speakers at 26 separate events and covered a wide range of themes and topics to connect the whole region and illustrate that every sector has a part to play in combatting the climate crisis.
The summit was a hybrid of in-person and online events and featured prominent speakers including green energy entrepreneur Dale Vince OBE, astronaut Dr Chris Boshuizen and electric vehicle adventurer Chris Ramsey.
Key contributions to the summit, included a powerful new film Eyes on the Humber, which documents the vital role the region has in the climate change challenge, and was taken to the COP26 Conference in Glasgow.
The Waterline Launch event hosted by presenter and journalist Louise Minchin was also the headline event for the Planet Mark Zero Carbon tour of the UK.
The Waterline Live at COP26 | Interview with Lee Pitcher, Living With Water Partnership
Watch all the Waterline Summit 2021 videos at The Waterline Summit 2021 playlist
The Waterline Student Challenge
2021 was the inaugural year of the Waterline Student Challenge - a unique opportunity for students aged 11 - 18 to play their part in finding solutions to harmful environmental problems.
Students demonstrated their passion for sustainability by delivering innovative and inspiring eco projects. Projects were judged by regional businesses that will each deliver an exciting behind-the-scenes visit for the six selected finalists. This opportunity was additional to a cash prize for each finalist team.
The overall Student Challenge winner was Ron Dearing UTC who was crowned at the launch of the Waterline Summit 2021 - winning an additional cash prize for their college, as well as the exclusive opportunity to join SSE Thermal in Glasgow during the COP26 Conference to share their winning project.
A Waterline Student Challenge film was delivered whereby the audience heard from the Student Challenge Business Sponsor, SSE Thermal, alongside other business representatives, about the importance of inspiring the next generation to start their green, sustainable careers here in the Humber during what is, and will continue to be, a hugely exciting time for the region.