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Positioned within the Bondholders brand, our Talent+ programme connects ambassadors across the region to address the ongoing challenge of talent attraction and retention. 

About Talent+

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A Professional Network

For all talent in the Humber region.

Talent+ is a professional and social network that provides an annual programme of unique events for all talent in the Humber region. Members don’t have to be part of a Bondholder business to be involved and the events are all free to attend.

Not defined by age, we aim to empower all ambitious individuals in the Humber by providing a platform to strengthen key skills, share knowledge and create meaningful connections.

Being part of Talent+ allows you to build a professional network of contacts who are passionate about the Humber region. The network encourages connectivity across industries and the breakdown of silos to enhance regional impact and strengthen the future collective voice for the Humber region.

Talent+ events are designed for and by its members, and they focus on the following key themes:

  • Personal & professional development
  • Knowledge exchange
  • Social opportunities
  • Exclusive behind the scenes experiences

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