Introducing the new Future Humber and Bondholders website
24 May 2024
We have a new website!

Developed from the extensive user research we carried out in 2022 and 2023, we are proud to show you our brand new site with a host of new and improved features which we know Bondholders will love.
Firstly, a big thank you to all those Bondholders and members that took part in the survey and focus group research. We really have taken on board what you said and we have worked hard to develop a site which reflects your evolving needs and wants, as well as the needs of the external audience.
Secondly, to Vicky and Dan and the team at Bluestorm Design who worked their magic in catering for what our users need and also to the needs of the Future Humber team. You were a delight to work with and we are confident that we have a site which not only looks great on the outside but works efficiently on the inside.
The new site is an evolution on the old one and some popular features remain exactly the same. You can still send us news, and events and jobs and we will add them to the site as before. The events calendar is looking a bit smoother and easier to navigate, and the news items can now appear under the relevant Bondholders' profile, but these key features are fundamentally the same as they ever were.
New features include.......
- Bondholders members logins are now for individuals rather than company-wide.
- A Bondholders forum for members to share and interact.
- An improved image library which will include lots of fresh imagery and is easier to navigate.
- Access to booking for Bondholders exclusive events.

Here's what you need to know.......
Q – My Bondholders log-in does not work!
A – we have taken away the company-wide logins and members will need to register on an individual basis. Any logins issued before May 2024 will no longer work. If you have registered after May 2024 and you have forgotten your login details, you can request a new password directly from the site.
Q – How do I register?
A – you will need to navigate to the Bondholders area where it will ask you to either log in or register a new profile. To create a new profile you will need to use your company email address which matches the Bondholders organisation's URL on our system. You can add your own details including a headshot if you wish, and you also have the option of allowing your profile, or not, to appear on your organisation's Bondholders profile page. The Future Humber team will need to manually approve your registration request so please be patient. If you experience any problems during registration, please email
Q - I want to add a post to the Bondholders forum. Can I?
A – Yes, you can. Any registered member can start a new post and comment on someone else's. You will get a notification when someone replies to your post. You can choose what contact details to give on the post as members are not permitted to message each other through the site.
Please use the forum to share any messages you have for other Bondholders, such as special offers, events, tender opportunities, or to ask for advice.
Q - What happens if I leave the Bondholder organisation?
You can deactivate your members account yourself. If you join an organisation who are also Bondholders, you need to create a new account linked to your new role and using your new email address. Get in touch on if you experience a problem completing this process
Q - How do I download images and videos?
Images and videos can be accessed and downloaded by any registered user. Visit the Image library page, find a folder that contains images you want to look at, and hit download. If you require hi-res versions of an image for use in print, please get in touch

Q – I need to update our company's Bondholders profile
Individual members are not permitted to change any information which is shown on the company's official Bondholders profile page. Please ask your company's main contact to get in touch with us with the new information. Email
Q - Do I need to reregister to receive the Bondholders eNews and other mailings?
Don't worry, you don't need to reregister yourself to any of our mailing lists. These have not been impacted by the changeover.
Q – I can see an event on the website but I can't see the button to book a place
Some events that we run are exclusive to Bondholders. If your organisation are Bondholders and you are a member of the site, then logging into the site will make the booking button appear. If you have any questions about these events, please do get in touch with us.
Q – We are Bondholders and we would like to publish a news item on the site. How do we do this?
All news items on the site are published by the Future Humber team only. Please send your press releases and any images to
If you have a smaller piece of news such as a special offer or an event you'd like to share, please consider using the Bondholders forum.