
05 January 2024

The charity igniting dreams for the children of Hull and East Yorkshire has entered their video ‘An introduction to Hull & East Yorkshire Children’s University’ to the Charity Film Awards – the world’s biggest campaign to celebrate cause-led films.

Voting is now open until 12th January 2024 and the films with the most votes will be shortlisted for this year’s awards.

Voting for the film will help in so many ways to share our cause, it’s quick and simple to do. Just follow the link below and click ‘Vote’.

An Introduction to Hull & East Yorkshire… | Smiley Charity Film Awards

Watch the video here...... 

About HEY Children's University

Hull and East Yorkshire (HEY) Children’s University is a local charity that strives to give every child the opportunities they deserve, no matter what circumstances they were born into.

Many children around Hull and the East Riding do not have the same opportunities that other children have in the UK. Many have never been much further than the street in which they live and some children will never visit another city until they reach adulthood. Because of this, some children don’t have any aspirations for the future.

HEY Children’s University gives children from across the region the opportunities that they otherwise wouldn’t have and gives them the chance to discover their interests and talents - the chance to create their own dreams. The charity aims to light up every path that a child could take and show them their options. Despite what the name implies, HEY Children’s University is about ensuring that children know about all pathways into careers: be that an apprenticeship, starting their own business, working their way up in a company or attending college or University. Every child should understand what pathways exist and are available to them. 

More information about the charity’s work and how you as an individual or business can help ignite dreams for local children can be found on the charity’s website

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