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Future Humber Environmental & Sustainability Policy Statement

Future Humber (Bondholder Scheme Ltd) is a not-for-profit place promotion organisation committed to making a positive and significant impact on the causes of climate change. We will address this through all areas of our operations, joining the regional and national journey towards a net-zero carbon economy.

We are committed to being a responsible and sustainable business that values our employees, our members, and all our partners. We are committed to introducing sustainable practices and business behaviours, minimising the environmental impact of all aspects of our operations.

We will encourage sustainable practices from our suppliers, contractors, and partners as we act as a responsible steward of our environment for future generations and seek to create a sustainable and prosperous future for all.

This document sets out the broad sustainability statement that applies to all Future Humber’s operations. Every employee of Future Humber holds a responsibility to this commitment. The aims within the statement are all complimentary and should not be viewed in silo or exclusively to the others.

We aim to lead by example and champion the part every business, organisation and social community must play to tackle the threats of climate change. We will do this through:

We aim to prevent pollution and minimise waste, encouraging the efficient use of natural resources throughout all our business operations. We will do this through:

  • Recycling office and project waste materials where practicable and cost-effective
  • Introducing recycling bins for all our waste materials, including food waste
  • Switching to local glass bottle milk delivery
  • Using recycled paper for brochures and limiting excessive copies of any printed materials
  • Switching from physical to digital media where every practicable
  • Reducing office paper consumption through online working
  • Minimising the carbon footprint of every event and exhibition, offsetting unavoidable carbon emissions where possible
  • Minimising food waste and making sure none is wasted when possible
  • Minimising material waste (cups etc)
  • Minimising the use of plastics
  • Encouraging the use of local suppliers at all venues

We aim to improve our energy efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint across our operations, adopting best practice where possible to support continued improvements in our environmental performance. We will do this through:

  • Measuring and reducing our energy use and carbon dioxide emissions, identifying and implementing savings wherever reasonably practicable
  • Ensuring our energy contracts are with 100% renewable energy suppliers
  • Minimising the use of office equipment (printers etc), switching all office equipment off powering down at end of day
  • Embracing digital solutions for systems and processes
  • Using laptops instead of desktops
  • Replacing office lights with automatic LED lights
  • Minimising the need for cooling/heating of the office
  • Minimising business-related travel and promoting the use of public transport, cycling and walking and shared travel/commuting wherever practicable and cost-effective
  • Offsetting the business miles we cannot eliminate through the support of local and global sustainability projects
  • Considering digital platforms to eliminate unnecessary travel for meetings and events
  • Embracing agile working to reduce commuting mileage, either from home or a remote location

We aim to consider the environmental impacts of our supply chain, and where possible, purchase goods that have a minimal impact on the environment. We will do this through:

  • Communicating our sustainability statement to all suppliers and partners
  • Working closely with our supply chain partners, seeking partnerships with third parties who recognise the
  • responsibility to play their part in tackling the challenges of climate change
  • Ensuring materials are sourced locally where possible
  • Ensuring materials are able to be recycled or repurposed