Our ReNew community

ReNew is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for adults, families, carers and affected others in Hull.

How we can help you

We have three unique hubs in Hull, dedicated to providing an end-to-end facility and support for adults who may have drug or alcohol issues.

Our dedicated drug and alcohol teams can offer support and help you to overcome any problems you face when starting treatment. We know everyone's journey is different, so we'll design a package of care with you, that suits you.

If it's someone else's wellbeing you're worried about, we've got advice that can help you support them too.

Our family team offers help and support to families who are affected by drugs or alcohol, including one-to-one work with children and young people as well as tailored intervention for pregnancy.

How we work

When you visit ReNew, we will sit down with you to discuss your challenges and goals and answer any questions you have. We can discuss;

  • Prescriptions and over the counter medications
  • Drugs and/or alcohol
  • How drugs and/or alcohol are affecting your mental health

We will support you to overcome the problems or issues that have affected your life and to move towards independence and participation in positive, healthy activities.

Ongoing support

At ReNew we're here for you every step of the way, and we want you to continue your journey with us beyond your first group or appointment and become part of this community we've built for everyone.

We'll give you support to help you from relapsing, post-treatment check-ups, the chance to join wellbeing and support groups and opportunities to be involved with volunteering, mentoring and helping others.

What we offer

  • Expert advice and information on drugs, alcohol, homelessness, prison and how to improve your health and wellbeing.
  • A multi-disciplinary approach to care; our team includes experienced health and care staff, nurses and doctors.
  • A whole family approach – working holistically with all members of the family to achieve and promote recovery.
  • Therapeutic group and 1:1 interventions.
  • A community and inpatient detoxification provision.
  • Access to residential rehabilitation environments.
  • A comprehensive harm reduction offer - reducing drug related deaths and harm via blood borne virus screening and issuing emergency lifesaving overdose reversal medication (Naloxone).
  • Education, training and employment services – with direct links to all local education providers and an in-house community training provision.
  • Multiple connecting communities offers, including – an outreach provision, a rough sleepers’ provision, criminal justice provision and a provision exclusively for women.
  • Multiple peer led support provisions, including; Alcohol Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous and a daily breakfast club which is free and open to everyone.

Registration & referrals

You can refer yourself to ReNew. If you would like to speak to somebody about your alcohol or drug use you can contact us directly by phone, email or dropping in to one of our hubs.

Somebody else can refer you to ReNew, on your behalf. Doctors, family members, carers and friends, or any other agency (such as social services).



We will always ask you what we can do with any information we have about you. The only time we would break this confidentiality would be if we were worried about you or someone else’s safety.


We never want you to feel under pressure at ReNew. We will always make sure that we have your consent before we give you any medical treatment or support packages.

We are located

  • 41–45 Beverley Road, Hull, HU3 1XH
  • 728-730 Hessle Road, Hull, HU4 6JA
  • 74 Goodhart Road, Bransholme, Hull, HU7 4EF

Get in touch

If you're worried about something, please visit one of our hubs or contact us via telephone for support between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, on 01482 620 013

You can also email earlyhelp.hull@cgl.org.uk

For support out of hours please call our freephone on 0800 6 126 126

For more information about ReNew visit: www.changegrowlive.org/hull-renew

To speak to our Community Lead please contact Matthew.Butler@cgl.org.uk

To see our work in the community please visit our social media pages below:





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Matthew Butler


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