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Local business reduces its carbon footprint with support from Invest East Yorkshire

28 May 2024

A Driffield-based business has significantly reduced its carbon footprint after accessing grant funding of £20,000 with help from Invest East Yorkshire’s Business Support team.

ERYC Shields 1

Shields (Driffield) Ltd. is a family-owned mechanical engineering and bulk processing company based on the Kelleythorpe Industrial Estate. Operating mainly in the engineering and manufacturing sectors, it was first established in 1984 and has grown significantly over the years. Forty years on from its launch, the company employs a team of more than 50 people and works with customers across the UK.

Shields first worked with Invest East Yorkshire’s Business Support Team more than ten years ago and, since then, has benefited from the advice, support and knowledge of its team of advisors on several occasions, helping to further fuel its growth and development.

Most recently, the company worked with Business Advisor Chris Moore to access a £20,000 grant from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. This enabled Shields to achieve its goal of drastically reducing its carbon footprint by investing in a large solar panel installation project at its headquarters in Driffield.

Chris explained: “Following a review of the business and a discussion about its growth plans, we arranged for Shields to have an independent energy assessment by a specialist company that we appointed. This was fully funded and highlighted a number of energy saving measures they could take as part of their commitment to becoming more environmentally sustainable.” 

Chris helped the Shields team to submit a successful application for grant funding to cover part of the cost of installing solar panels.  Now in place, they will help reduce the company’s carbon footprint by 20 tonnes per year, as well as helping to reduce its overheads by providing huge energy cost savings. The solar panels will also provide other environmental benefits for Shields, such as providing green energy to power its fleet of electric cars. However, this is only the first phase of the company’s mission to reduce its CO2 emissions and overheads; it also has plans to switch plant, vans and other cars from diesel to electric.

Carey Kelly, a Director at Shields, said: “As a company, we have enjoyed a long and positive relationship with the Invest East Yorkshire Business Support team. As the business has grown and our plans have changed, we have worked closely with them, not just in relation to financial assistance but also for ongoing advice and guidance. We are very appreciative of this support and look forward to this relationship continuing as we grow as a business and create more skilled jobs for Driffield and the surrounding area.”

Part of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Invest East Yorkshire offers a comprehensive range of support services to local businesses, delivered by helpful and knowledgeable advisors, who offer a free diagnostic process to help businesses identify the most appropriate support and development opportunities for them. This holistic approach includes one-to-one advice, workshops, networking opportunities and access to a wealth of resources and referrals.

For more information, please contact the team on 01482 391622 or email