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Y&H Business Publication (The Business Culture HEY)

YH Business Publication Business Partner

The Y&H business publication celebrates collaboration in our region as well as offers businesses a platform to raise their profile. Written by businesses for business, we offer a platform for all Yorkshire & Humber businesses to share their stories and voice. 

We are a joint venture of collaborators including The Business Culture Hull, Pinx Creative, and GBE Connect who operate Tech Week Humber and The Edge Hub.

Social media reach of 500,000

We are content first, focused on writing current and relevant business articles through interviews and editorial

We represent 4,000 + businesses in the region across our network

Our publication continues to grow and we moved to an A4 format earlier in 2022 publishing 304 times a year. We are joined by an increasing number of organisations from across the region as their chosen media partner including the University of Hull, Smailes Goldie and Hull College.

Being a Bondholder member allows us to join in the conversation on everything business growth-wise across the Humber region. We are huge advocates for collaboration as a means to success for the area.