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Humberside Engineering Training Assoc. (HETA)

HETA Business Partner

HETA (Humberside Engineering Training Association) is a not-for-profit charity ‘Group Training Association’ in the Yorkshire and Humber region established in 1967 by a group of local companies to bridge the gap between industry and education. HETA is renowned as the leading Engineering training provider in the Yorkshire and Humber region boasting three centres in Hull, Grimsby and Scunthorpe.

Our expertise centres on an ability to understand the needs of your business and to be able to design and deliver a training solution to meet your needs.

There are essentially four aspects to our business:

  • upskilling of people already in the workforce
  • recruitment and training of apprentices who are about to enter the labour market.
  • Higher Education (Higher National Programme)
  • Humber ATA

HETA works with over 350 employers across the Yorkshire and Humber region delivering high quality learning and skills solutions. Our reputation is important to us and we pride ourselves on our 'Customer Experience Journey'.

Humber Apprentice Training Agency is a wholly owned subsidiary of HETA and can act as the employer for any apprentices that you wish to engage with but are unable to employ directly.

Hosting an apprentice through the Humber ATA enables you to engage HETA apprentices by reducing employment risks or associated overhead costs. Humber ATA will act as the Apprentice's employer and the Apprentices will be placed with you, to enable them to gain their apprenticeship qualification.